The GOS4M can support the Minamata Convention implementation. Article 19 states that all monitoring activities related to mercury in environment and human health should build on existing monitoring networks. The contribution of GOS4M to implementation of the Convention will be of clear importance. Information delivered through the activity of this flagship will strongly support the periodic assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures that will be undertaken to achieve the goals that will be set by COP1 that will take place in 2017.
GOS4M with its unique global system providing real-time data on mercury levels in air observed at a number of background sites in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, promoting ad-hoc tropospheric and oceanographic studies to better understand the cycling of mercury in and between different environmental compartments, and operating global and regional scale modelling tools for assessment of emission reduction scenarios can evaluate the effectiveness of policy measures taken within the Minamata Convention (Article 22).