GOS4M is a GEO Flagship aimed to support the Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat, the UN Environment Mercury Fate & Transport Partnership and all Nations in the follow up of the Conferences of Parties (COP) related to the Effectiveness Evaluation and Global Monitoring framework. 

GEO has become an Observer at COP-3 of the Minamata Convention fostering the strong linkage between observation and Effectiveness Evaluation under a larger framework.

GOS4M will develop IT applications which will be based on observations, model outputs and web tools to exploit the wealth of data made available through platforms like, for example Copernicus DIAS and GEO Knowledge Hub.

Engagement with relevant user communities and other stakeholders is of crucial importance for this Flagship, making sure its objectives are in tune with the real-world problems and its results provide adapted solutions.

GOS4M is primary actor toward a collaborative effort to federate existing monitoring network.