Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida, MIO, France
Dr. Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida (AMU-MIO) was trained in analytical and environmental chemistry at the University of Jena and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Research Warnemünde. After a PhD in Chemical Oceanography at the Oceanographic Laboratory at Villefranche sur Mer, he was postdoc at Geosciences Environment Toulouse and Junior Professor the University of Bremen. Since 2015 Lars-Eric is CNRS research scientist at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography at the Aix-Marseille-University in France. He is interested in the application of novel techniques to outstanding questions on trace metal cycling in the ocean, with an emphasis on low-level speciation, stable isotopes and sensor approaches. Lars-Eric organized several intercomparison exercises to improve mercury species measurements in sea water. Much of his research addresses the fundamental questions of how much mercury resides in the oceans, how much we have have added and which portion of it makes its way up the marine food chain. Trying to find answers, Lars-Eric participated in over 30 oceanographic cruises to the Mediterranean, Black and Baltic Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, Southern and Arctic Oceans. He co-authored the United Nations Environmental Programme Global Mercury Assessment 2018 and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme for Mercury 2021. He is member of the GEOTRACES Standards & Intercalibration committee. He was plenary speaker at the 14th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant and co-organized the 12th,13th, 14th & 15th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant.